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Why Try Our Exclusive Line

  • Eliminate inconsistencies in your planting

  • Finish a higher percentage of plants in a shorter period of time

  • Improve your survival rates

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Available in sizes to fit any growers need

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The Robinson Nursery Air Root Pruning Step-Up Program produces quality you can count on. We grow our seedlings in air root-pruning containers from Day 1, thus eliminating circling roots, creating a more fibrous root system, and ensuring your ability to transplant with ease. Locally sourced hazelnut shell mulch reduces the need for herbicides, further amplifying accelerated root growth and enhanced tree caliper.   The Grow Ready Linerâ„¢ Insert is our newest technology, taking our Grow Ready Linersâ„¢ to the next level. This porous, lightweight fabric is placed inside our air-root-pruning containers at planting. Roots can quickly grow through this fabric and still be air-root-pruned by the container. The new system allows the plant to produce more consistently. The GRLâ„¢ Insert serves as additional protection during the shipping process. Removal of the GRLâ„¢ Insert provides your Grow Ready Linerâ„¢ with a fresh, pre-plant prune, empowering the product to root out and establish more quickly. ​ How Will My Product Be Shipped? You will receive your product with the GRLâ„¢ Insert. The fabric serves as additional protection during the shipping process. Due to the fact roots grow through this innovative fabric, the integrity of the root system stays intact. ​ Does This Increase Cost? No. There is no additional cost to the customer. The labor saved by eliminating the netting process, offsets the added cost of the GRLâ„¢ Inserts. No netting also means lower lead times for customers’ orders being pulled. ​ What is Your Favorite Part? The Grow Ready Linerâ„¢ Insert delivers our GRLâ„¢ product line to the next level. Possibly our favorite improvement is revealed prior to customer planting. Removal of the GRLâ„¢ Insert provides your Grow Ready Linerâ„¢ with a fresh, pre-plant prune, allowing the product to root out and establish more quickly. It’s beautiful. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Here you can see the roots grown with a GRLâ„¢ Insert in our air root-pruning container. We are eliminating circling roots that may cause the tree to girdle later in life and providing you with a tree that is ready to perform!

These are the strong and healthy roots produced by an air-root pruning container with no GRLâ„¢ Insert used. Beautiful roots but we wanted to do better.


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